I went to Las Vegas a few months after my son was born for a conference, and at the recommendation of my cousin Virginia, ended up at Mesa Grill for supper with my friend Sara and some of her friends. We ate and ate and ate, and then did a little drinking and only a teeny bit of gambling on the black jack tables. The food was truly deeeelish, and the gambling was fun, but it was the cocktail that Sara had me order that I most remember. It was pink, and fizzy, and just right for the hottest of hot desert night… The Paloma.
I’ve been making and ordering them pretty much constantly since then since it’s made from one of my favorite spirits, tequila (See my ode to the margarita here) and is pretty much PERFECT for summer weather down here in the deepest south. Grapefruit soda, Tequila, lime… could it be any more delicious?