Ever since high school, one of my favorite ways to kill time has been to go “country looping,” which basically means driving around back roads a little faster than you should with the radio turned up, or exploring backways you’ve never been on before just to see what you see, or taking the long way through the county to get to dinner so you and your best friend can have a heart-to-heart. I did it in Laurel, in college in the mountains of Virginia, and, although it’s not always as fun to go looping when you drive all the time for work, or when the roads are straight-straight-straight and flat-flat-flat, I still find some time to go out looping in the Delta. In fact, when we had an entire day to do whateverthehell we wanted to over the holiday break, we decided to jump in the car, see what we could find, and talk about serious and not-so-serious things. After seeing the baby doll house, getting nearly and completely stuck in the January Delta mud, and taking some winter-field-photos, we ended up at the Blue Levee in Rosedale, a delicious restaurant that you might never know about or find on your own because it’d kind of out of the way.
The BL has a great craft beer selection (what? in Rosedale?), pretty delicious soups and sandwiches, homemade appetizers like crabcakes and fried pickles, a pretty solid daily blue plate special, and usually a totally off-beat special like thai seafood curry. It’s that off-beat special that I usually go for, since I’ve rarely ever been let down.
The next time you’re country looping, or heading to the great River Road State park, or are driving up 1 from Greenville to Helena, or just want to see how a delicious little place can sustain itself in a town with a population of 1,852, stop in to the Blue Levee.
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